Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance (Pathera) at Markham Dental

A woman plugging her snoring husband's nose.

Discover the Pathera Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance

Are you struggling with sleep apnea or CPAP intolerance? At Markham Dental Care, we offer a non-invasive, comfortable solution that can transform your nights—introducing the Pathera Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance.

Key Benefits of the Pathera Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance

  • Non-Invasive Solution

    For those with mild to moderate sleep apnea, Pathera offers an effective alternative to traditional treatments. Say goodbye to bulky CPAP machines and hello to restful nights.

  • Comfortable to Wear

    Designed with your comfort in mind, the Pathera appliance promotes better sleep without the discomfort often associated with CPAP machines. Its custom-fit ensures it sits perfectly in your mouth, making it easy to wear throughout the night.

  • Custom-Fit for Maximum Effectiveness

    Each Pathera appliance is tailored specifically to your mouth, ensuring both maximum effectiveness and comfort. This custom-fit design means you can sleep soundly without worrying about cumbersome adjustments.

  • Easy to Use and Maintain

    Forget about complex setups and maintenance routines. The Pathera appliance is straightforward to use and requires minimal maintenance, freeing you from cumbersome hoses or masks.

  • Reduces Snoring

    Not only does the Pathera appliance help manage sleep apnea, but it also significantly reduces snoring. This improvement enhances not only your sleep quality but also the sleep of those around you.

Who Can Benefit from the Pathera Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance?

  • Adults with Sleep Apnea: If you have been diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea, the Pathera appliance can provide relief and improve your sleep quality.
  • CPAP Intolerant Individuals: If you find traditional CPAP machines uncomfortable or difficult to use, Pathera offers a simpler and more comfortable alternative.
  • Chronic Snorers: For those who snore chronically, Pathera can help reduce snoring and improve overall sleep quality.

Why Choose Markham Dental Care?

At Markham Dental Care, our experienced dental professionals are dedicated to providing personalized care. We work closely with you to ensure the Pathera Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance fits perfectly and meets your specific needs.

Take the First Step Towards Better Sleep

Don't let sleep apnea or snoring keep you from a restful night's sleep. Contact Markham Dental Care today to schedule a consultation and find out if the Pathera Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance is right for you.

A woman plugging her snoring husband's nose.

Pathera Oral Appliance Therapy

Are you struggling with sleep apnea or CPAP intolerance? At Markham Dental Care, we offer a non-invasive, comfortable solution that can transform your nights—introducing the Pathera Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance.